Monday, October 13, 2008

Picking Apples and Pumpkins

On Saturday we went apple and pumpkin picking at our local produce market, Conte's. Emily and Andrew picked about a bag of apples and then each picked out two pumpkins. After picking, we had apple icecream. Now it's time to make applecake (and maybe various other apple recipes, too!).

Playdate with Tyler

Last Wednesday, we had Tyler and his mom, Heidi, over to play. The kids had a great time playing with toys and riding bikes, while Heidi and I chatted. The best part of our visit was spent decorating ghost cupcakes that our friends brought over. Thanks so much for coming to our house, Tyler and Heidi. We had a nice time!

Fun Raking Leaves

Last week, Emily and Andrew swept leaves off of part of the driveway. Then put them in the wheelbarrow. Their new interest in cleaning leaves makes me think we can enlist them in the big clean up in a couple of weeks. Bruce and I need all the help we can get!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grandma's Birthday Celebration at the Zoo

On Sunday, we went to the Philadelphia Zoo with Grandma to celebrate her birthday. We saw giraffes, tigers, a hippo, bears, elephants, and numerous reptiles. We also had a nice lunch and birthday cake.

We are so thankful for Grandma and her longtime great idea to go to the zoo. We had a terrific time!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Playing in the Rain Puddle

Last weekend, Emily and Andrew spent some time playing outside in the driveway. Of course, they were immediately drawn to the large puddle at the end, so it was time to put on their rainboots for some fun!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting the House Ready for Halloween

On Thursday, Emily, Andrew, and I decorated the house for Halloween. We had great fun! Unfortunately, I did not get any shots of the kids but intend to when they are in their festive garb.

Mom Mom and Pop Pop's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Last Saturday, we went to the William Penn Inn to celebrate Mom Mom and Pop Pop's 50th Anniversary. We had the perfect set-up in a cozy room that fit only two large tables. This set-up allowed for everyone to walk around and mingle or take pictures. And, of course, Emily and Andrew had ample space to run around and sprawl out on the floor to make drawings.

The highlight of the night, besides the incredible food, was watching Mom Mom and Pop Pop reminisce over their new scrapbook. We thoroughly enjoyed watching their smiling faces and listening to their laughter as they relived many special memories created over the years.

Thank you for including us in your very special day, Mom Mom and Pop Pop! We had a blast!